Traveler's Guide

East Macedonia & Thrace

The Dupkata protected site has an area


The Dupkata protected site is immediately above the town of Ivaylovgrad and includes a natural landmark, a precipice cave. In a relatively small space a mosaic of drought-loving vegetation grows on a limy terrain – a mixed sucker deciduous forest of Oriental hornbeam, flowering-ash, hairy oak, shrubs of the same species and red juniper, thorny bush, turpentine tree, jasmine, small scented grass glens, wallis fescue, feather grass, the Stipa pulcherrima, bread-grass as well as a rich diversity including Mediterranean species, aromatic grasses, and semi-bushes. Part of the territory has been planted with black pine. The flora is abundant and includes over 350 species. Characteristic representatives of the herpetofauna are the crested newt, the Crimean lizard, the green lizard, the blotched snake, and the Caspian whipsnake. Of the birds, here we can find the whitethroat, the oriole, the Eastern olivaceous warbler etc. In the Dupkata cave, which is within the protected site, 4 bat species have been registered - the greater horseshoe bat, the smaller horseshoe bat , and the common bent-wing bat.

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