Traveler's Guide

East Macedonia & Thrace

House-museum Chorbadji Paskal`s house


Chorbadji Paskal was a wealthy and influential merchant, who took part in the municipal government of Haskovo during the Bulgarian National Revival. His house dates back to that time and is a real architectural masterpiece and one of the landmarks of the town of Haskovo. It is a two-storey, asymmetrical building with an excellent functional distribution. It was built and furnished in the typical for the second half of the XIX century style - semicircular bow windows, beautifully carved ceilings, doors and cupboards , decorative niches, wooden couches and more. Nowadays the house was turned into an ethnographic museum. The exhibition illustrates the way of life of the Haskovo citizens of that time and traces the transition of the local people after the liberation from Turkish yoke from the traditional rural to the more urban and European lifestyles. There is a curious mix of objects from the old, rural and the new, urban lifestyle: wooden couches, furniture from Vienna, European silver utensils, Russian samovar teapot, colorful carpets and rugs, etc. Chorbadzhi Paskaleva house was declared a cultural monument of national importance.

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