Kavala, take Egnatia Highway towards Thessaloniki, leaveat the exit
for Eleftheroupoli and you reach Kipia in 27 minutes.The Theodoros
Kokkinidis Waxworks Museum can be foundhere,
presenting effigies of historical people who left their markon their
era. The exhibits often travel in Greece or abroad. Beforesetting
off, telephone: +30 693 7803 780, 697 6519 429.From Kipia,
via Elftheroupoli-Moustheni provincial road, youreach
Moustheni (10km) with its four arched bridges, traditionalhouses in
ochre and blue, the old Turkish school with its Arabicinscription,
water fountains and the Folklore Museum building.Continue
towards Mesoropi (4km from Moustheni), Kavala’sPilio, as
it is called, with its marble-paved alleys, the well in themiddle of
the village, traditional houses, old tobacco shops, thechapel of
Agia Kyriaki (17th century) and the Klothori and MahmutAga stone
arch bridges.Activities:
witness honey-making firsthand, see how tahini andhalva is
produced by grinding sesame in the traditional way inthe old
mill. Walk on the path leading from the village to Vathres:plane trees
and singing birds will enchant you on your way toVoskovrisi.
Swim in the beautiful beaches in the area: Orphynio,Orphanio,
at Karyani and Akropotamos. From Mesoropi gosouthward,
turn left after 1km towards Eleftheroupoli – Moustheniand after
2.4km, turn right. 2.5km further on you join EgnatiaHighway
going towards Kavala. Leave Egnatia Highway at exit 29towards S.
Peramo, get to the shore and as you continue, you willfind
Anaktoropoli of Ancient Isymi on the western tip of the bay.Isimi,
colony of Thasos (7th c entury B C) w ith i ts own c urrency,was famous
for its “Vivlino Wine”, which is still produced in theregion
today. On the small hill northeast of Isymi, the Byzantinesbuilt
Anaktoropoli. Remains of its strong fortress have survivedtill today.
From the top of the castle you can enjoy an amazingview and
realize the strategic importance of its position. Culturalevents are
often held in the castle in the summer.Activities:
Swimming in the clean, shallow water.Celebrations:
Tsipouro Festival in October. Grape Festival inElaiochori
Fish and seafood,wine and
excellent quality tsipouro.Return to
Kavala by the coast road(19km).
From S. Peramos, you canvisit the
Apollonia Tower, on the oldKavala-Thessaloniki
National Highway,a 14th
century AD building withan
excellent beach.