approximately. Time: as desired. The main road on Thasoscovers the
island’s shores andconnects
all the seaside villages,whilst
extending towards themountains.
Note that Mount Skaladenotes
haven, in other words aninland
village port.First stop:
Skala Rachoniou, harborof the
Mediterranean villagesAgios Georgios
and Pachoni whichare
approximately 5km from thesea.
Towards the end of the 19thcentury,
when pirates and corsairshad
disappeared from the sea, theinhabitants
of old Agios Georgios established the present settlement.Mohamed
Ali, who would become founder of the EgyptianDynasty,
was allegedly brought up in old Agios Georgios.Rachoni is
home to exceptionally beautiful traditional mansionsand the
church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary which celebrateson the 15th
August when it offers the congregation Kourbani,veal stew.
The village is known for its oil, blossom honeyand
preserved walnut sweets. It is said that the olive groves inRachoni and
Prinos are the oldest on the island and many treesare more
than 900 years old.Second
stop: Prinos, mountain village 17km from Limenas. Thearea became
famous in the 1970s because of oil deposits detectedon the sea
bed off the coast of Skala Prinos. Extraction andprocessing
of this “black gold” has continued uninterrupted untiltoday.
Skala Prinos and the newvillage
“Dasyllio” boast beacheswith
crystal clear water, pine treesand
tamarisk trees next to theshore.
Taste the organic “Kardiofilo”olive oil,
famous for its beneficialproperties,
tasty salted olivesand
fragrant honey. Visit the Oliveand Olive
Oil Museum near the portwww.oliveoilmuseum.gr.Telephone:
+30 25930 71950.Opening
hours: Monday – Saturday:08:00 –
16:00, Sunday: closed.Have fun at
the Honey Festival which is held during the first 10days of
August and organized by the Beekeeping Cooperative ofThasos on
their premises, at Skala Street, Prinos-Skala, Rachoni.Products
made from honey and other local produce, such assweets,
cheese and wine, of course, are offered to visitors freeof charge.Telephone:
+30 25930 71361 and +30 25930 58290.Take the
left hand road at the Prinos Village crossroads and gouphill
through olive trees and pine trees towards the traditionalvillage of
Kazavition. After approximately 4km you reach thefirst
Kazaviti, Mikro Kazaviti (Mikros Prinos) and 500m furtheron, Megalo
Kazaviti (Megalos Prinos). This area is known for itsexcellent
climate, vineyards and fine wine. In its heyday, workmenfrom
Western Macedonia and Epirus built stone houses withslate
roofs, wooden balconies and painted ceilings here. Narrowcobbled
streets, schools, old mansions, churches, running waterand
nightingales create a unique place to relax and dreamin. Beneath
the shady plane trees, french accent on cafes andtaverns
offer fine local products garnished with a warm smileand
disarming simplicity. On 27 July, day of Agios Pantelimonos,do not miss
the celebration of the convent of the same name,near the
village.Every year,
from July till August, the active cultural associationholds a
celebration called Kazavitiana: traditional dances, photographic,art and
book exhibitions, musical evenings with Greekand foreign
artists.Return to
Prinos, continue along the Thasos-Limenaria NationalHighway and
after 3km you reach Skala Sotiros and the oldestolive stone
processing factory on the island. The village of Sotiros,3km from
Skala, with its dense forest and running water isan
attraction for mountain lovers. The 1890 holy church of TheTransfiguration
(Metamorfosi tou Sotiros) is one of the most interestingreligious
monuments on the island.3km from
Skala Sotiros is picturesque Skala Kallirachis. It isworth
walking the 2.5km, ascending through olive trees, untilKallirachi,
an 18th century village, to visit the Folklore Museumin a
renovated 1740 building, with furniture and décor of the period,and stone
bridges, excellent examples of the great masonsof Epirus
art.From Skala
Kallirachis, continue for another 7km towards SkalaMarion and
the famous beach of Aspas (or Atspas) with its crystalclear
shallow water and fine white sand. This is where theyused to
load iron ore from the mines in Marion (12km from thebeach).A further
7.5km from Skala Marion is Limenaria, the largest townin Thasos
which developed notably at the dawn of the 20th centurybecause of
its iron ore. The German company Speidel began theexploitation
of iron ore in 1905, which stopped in 1963. Devoteesof
industrial archeology and art can visit the old iron processingfactory as
well as the open air art exhibition.Visit the
Limenaria folklore museum in the old community buildingto learn
the secrets of resin and retsina.Limenaria
Village has a lot of taverns,french
accent, bars, vigorous night lifeand a
summer cinema with frequentscreenings
of films. On the third day ofEaster “Gia
Vrex Aprili m” is celebrated inKalyvia
Limenaria. The residents danceand ask God
for rain so that their vinesdo not dry
out and they can have a goodharvest.After
Limenaria, if you have a 4 wheeldrive or
high vehicle, you can visit a beautiful village hidden inan Ipsario
plateau, Kastro, a monumental village. It is the oldestvillage on
the island. Visit the church of Agios Athanasios, built in1804, which
has been declared a preserved monument It is saidthat it was
built in 40 days, with the Sultan’s permission. It holdsa service
on the last Saturday of every month and celebratestakes
place. A few kilometers northof Maries
and continuing towards themountain,
you will find the island’sunique
artificial lake Genna Lake,with its
small waterfall, creating aninteresting
Limenaria, continue towardsPefkari
(2.5km). The beach is knownfor its
clear deep water and watersports
Pefkari, you reach Potos after 1km, which is the summermeeting
point for young people and the most cosmopolitan placeon the
island. The sunsets here are unique as the sun disappearsbehind the
mountain range of Mount Athos.From Potos,
the surfaced road takes you to Theologos, 10.5kmfurther on,
a traditional listed village, one of the oldest on theisland (it
was mentioned as early as in the 13th century AD). Itsabundant
water, dense vegetation and protected location werethe reasons
the monks of Agion Oros chose it as a dependency.Visit the
Hatzigiorgi mansion (folklore museum), admire theMacedonian
mansions and houses, wander in the picturesquestreets.
Walk to the 1917 stone bridge. Do not leave withouttrying the
popular local goat and excellent local food. On EasterMonday, the
residents carry the icon of Agios Ioannis -Theologosalong a
path from a village chapel to the Archangelos MichailMonastery,
where they stay the night. In summer, do not missthe
reconstruction of a Thasos wedding: everybody takes part,residents
and visitors alike.Return to
Potos and head towards Astrida. Astris, or Astrida,took its
name from the clean and starry sky on summer nights.Across the
sea and facing Astrida, is the small island of Panagiaor
Astiriotiko which, according to tradition, was the island of theSirens, the
mythical creatures who devoured any travelers whocame near them,
having been charmed by their song. Beaches:Psili
Ammos, Salonikios, Ai Vasilis and Kalami. By enduro bikeand on
foot, or only on foot, from the village of Astrida, headsouth and
you reach Giola, a beautiful natural pool hewn in rockwith water
which is warmer than the sea.From
Astrida, continue toward the Holy Monastery of ArchangelosMichail
(6.8km) which is the largest in Thasos and an importantpilgrimage
for Christians. Built on the edge of a steep rock,it seems to
be suspended between the sky and the immenseAegean.
After a command from the ArchangelMichael,
Loukas the ascetic built a small churchhere in
1110 AD in which holy water flowed. It issaid that
nonbelievers who once wanted to contaminatethe holy
water - paid for it with theirlives. The
holy water now flows from a cave nearthe sea.
Years later, the Holy Stake also ended upin the
church, which the Emperor Nikiforos Votaniatis had dedicatedto the Holy
Monastery Philotheos on Mount Athos. The Monasterywas later
founded in place of the church as a dependentof
Philotheos Monastery. In 1974, nuns from Pilio, together withthe Holy
Monk from Agios Oros worked hard and transformed themonastery.
The Archangel Michael is the patron saint of Thasosand the
residents of Theologos. Many pilgrims flock here for theArchangel’s
grace and the blessing of the Holy Stake. He is celebratedon 8
November and Easter Tuesday.Telephone:
+30 25930 31500After the
monastery, you reach Thymonia beach in 4.2km.From
Thymonia, it is 3.6km to Alyki peninsula, one of the mostfamous
attractions of the island. Photo: marble quarryPhoto:
Alyki Beach
AlykiA small
verdant peninsula sunken into the sea, holding its treasurein its
arms: crystal clear, percussion whitewashed marble. Itsquarry
which supplied marble to the world for 1,400 years (7thcentury BC
– 7th century AD): one of the most important industrialmonuments
of humankind. In its eastern bay: the ruins of a templeto
Dioskouri (the sons of Zeus). It was here, in ancient times, thatships’
crews, loading the coveted marble, would worship beforegoing out
to sea. At the top are the remains of two aisled basilicas.Village
residents and sailors would worship there in early Byzantinetimes,
until the 7th century AD. Then came destruction andabandonment.
Life returned in recent times, when the residents ofTheologos
came to live in Alyki temporarily for the olive harvest.From Alyki,
continue for 10.8km until you reach Kinyra, one of themost
picturesque villages in East Thasos, with rich vegetation,a famous
beach: Paradise and a small island, with great fishingwaters,
Kinyra, continue towards Skala Potamias and Chrysi Akti(8.3km). In
the centre of Skala Potamias Harbour is the Tarsanasstone
building, an old fishing shelter for the monks of Agios Oros.It hosts
cultural events today.After
Chrysi Akti, go upwards to the traditional village of Potamias(3km),
built at the foot of Mount Ipsario. Stone built houses,red tile
roofs unfold in an orderly fashion amidst green surroundingsand running
water. Visit PolygnostosBagis
Museum. It is housed in an oldstone
primary school in the centre of thevillage.
Its collection includes 98 sculpturesby Bagis,
25 of which are verysmall, and
15 paintings by the same artist.The
memorial series is impressive,such as the
Bear and Newborn Cub, TheWorld etc.From
Potamia, head towards Panagia(3km).300 years
ago, when the residents ofLimenas
were forced to abandon the shore because of pirates,they built
Panagia in this spot, which became the capital of the islandafter the
1821 Revolution. It is a listed traditional village withcobbled
streets, slate roofs, small wooden balconies and coveredverandas.
Visit the Traditional Oil Press, “Drakotrypa Cave”and the
Holy Church of The Assumption of Holy Mary, 18m high,with its
impressive handmade chancel,icon of
Panagia Pantovlepousaand the
white and purple banner ofRichard the
Lionheart. It was builtwith
materials from ancient temples.Panagia’s
coins: At the end of the 19thcentury,
the Ottoman Empire wasbankrupt.
The church in every villagethen bought
copper coins from Xanthiand Smyrni
by weight which hadno face
value, stamped them andused them
for transactions in their village. The profits from thisenterprise
would be used for its work in the community.From
Panagia, go downhill to Chrysi Ammoudia (5.5km), one ofthe most
popular beaches on the island with golden sand andshallow
water, 5km long and water sports.Continue
towards Makryammos, a well-organized beach withwater
sports facilities. From here, Limenas is 10km.