is 114km from Alexandroupoli (duration: 1.30 mins)The town,
whose full name is Nea Orestiada, was founded in 1923by Greek
refugees who, due to historical circumstances, wereforced to
abandon their birthplace of Adrianoupoli and initiallysettle in
Karagats in 1920, which they named Orestiada. After that,they were
forced to move again, taking whatever they could withthem, and
reached this place where they built a town in the middleof nowhere.The town is
organized around a large square with cafés and bars.There are
small taverns and cafes on the pavements next to thesquare. The
central arteries, Vas. Konstantinou Street and KonstantinopoleosStreet, are
full of shops and traffic. Visit the FolkMuseum in
Agion Theothoron Street, which comes out in the mainsquare.
Orestiada Folk MuseumThe museum
has historical and folk exhibitsof Eastern
Thrace, Eastern Romiliaand Western
Thraki from 1800-1950.The main
exhibits are authentic items oftraditional
farming and urban Thraciandress,
ecclesiastical items, farm andprofessional
tools, musical instrumentsand
household utensils.Operating
hours: 10.00-13.00Telephone:
+30 25520 28080From
Orestiada, take the Orestiada-Zoni provincial road, and after5.8km, turn
left towards Patagi. You will reach your destinationafter 5km.
Church of Agios NikolaosPatagisThe church
is a singular low building,with a
double-aisled woodenbasilica, a
porch and slightly raisedground
floor female loft, which isseparated
from the main church bytrellises.
The floor consists of in tombstones,the oldest
of which dates backto 1655.Return to
the Orestiada-Zoni provincial road and continue towardsZoni, go
through Neochori and Valtos Village, turn left towardsHandra,
Megali Doxipara, Mikri Doxipara. When you reach MikriDoxipara,
follow the sign for Helidona. After 1,7 km you will findthe chapel
of Kosmas of Aetolia and the signpost leading you tothe
archaeological excavations area.
The Tomb of Zoni DoxiparaAt the
beginning of the 2nd century AC, members of a wealthy familyof
landowners who had died in succession, were cremated and buriedin the same
place, near the road which led from Adrianoupolito
Philippoupoli. Excavations brought to light 4 pits containingthe
cremated remains of three men and one woman, along withnumerous
grave goods. The five carriages that brought the deadto the tomb
were buried there also, along with the pack animals.Next to
them, five more horses were buried. All the metallic,mechanical
and decorative items havebeen
preserved, while ontwo of themsome wooden
parts and their imprtintshave been
saved as well.Working
hours: 07:00-14:30 in winterand
07:00-17:00 in summer.For bus
excursions, prior arrangementsshould be
made. Telephone: +30 2552096033.The tour of
the archaeological area is aunique
experience. It is free and lastsapproximatively
1 hour.After the
burial mound, return to Agios Kosmas’ chapel and keepon for 800m
until Helidona. 2.5km after Helidona, turn right ontothe Mikro
Derio-Ormenio Provincial Road towards Therapio. Youwill reach
your destination in 23km.
Church of Panagia in Therapio,OrestiadaThe church
is a triple-aisle basilica with a woodenroof, built
in 1895. The artwork on the roof isremarkable.After
Therapio, return to Komara on the Mikro-Derio-OrmenioNational
Highway and on reaching Pentalofos, after 12.2km, followthe road to
Kastanies (37km).
Ardas-KastaniesArdas river
originates in the Rodopi Mountain Range and is290km long.
Stretching on a total of 241km through Bulgarianterritory,
it then enters Greek territory, crosses the northern partof the
Regional Unit of Evros and flows into the Evros rivernear
Kastanies. The river dam, built in 1969, is 350m-long andconstitutes
a landmark of the village of Therapio. The Ardas riverand the
riverside forest that stretches across the whole lengthof the
river constitute the most important ecosystem in NorthEvros. Due
to its fauna, this unique habitat has received specialprotection
status under the Natura Network 2000.The Meeting
of Youth of Ardas takes place in an idyllic setting onthe banks
of the river, 500m from the Village of Kastanies. Over5 days, the
public enjoys concerts by popular artists and youngbands as
well as a variety of other events such as moto cross,beach
volley, horse riding, 4x4 racing, theatre plays, 5x5 footballgames.