A proper
walk in Komotini takes an entire morning. Begin in IrinisCentral
Square. The grove of Agia Paraskevi is behind the Heroon.Following
that, visit the Papanikolaou Foundation (call first): +3025310
22015. The building was donated by the town benefactorNikolaos Z.
Papanikolaou. The museum is on the second floorand has
rare exhibits: manuscripts on papyrus and parchment,ceramics
etc. The 420 seat Amphitheatre is on the first floor. Inthe
semi-basement there is an exhibition area.After that,
follow Iroon Avenue and the 21st Armoured BrigadeMouziopoulou
army camp, where the Army Museum can befound, is
300m further on. Inside, there are objects from the historyof war in
modern Greece, whilst in the courtyard combatvehicles,
tanks, weapon systems and aircraft are exhibited. Temporaryexhibitions
are of interest. Entrance is free. Telephone:+30 253105
4214. Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 09:00-14:00Wednesday:
17:00-20:00 Saturday-Sunday: 10:00-13:00Go past the
Law Courts in Charilaou Trikoupi Street, next tothe old
Court Building, which cannot be visited as it is due to berenovated.
The building is believed to have been designed andbuilt by a
Dutch architect around 1870, under Sultan Abdul Azisand his
heir Abdul Hamit II on behalfof the Ottoman
Administrationof the
period. It served as a commandpost until
July 1913.Going along
Manesi Street, youhave one of
the town’s mosquesand one of
the oldest Muslim seminarieson your
right. Following thatroad, you
reach the Clock Tower, aKomotini landmark.
The Clock TowerThe Clock
Tower was built in 1884 during Sultan Abdul Hamit II’sadministration.
Its present form was the result of interventionsin the
1950s. Behind the tower stands the GeniTzami Minaret,from where
the Muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. The Mufti ofKomotiniis
in the forecourt. Ermou pedestrian shopping streetis on the
SW side of the tower, while on the NE side you will findIfaistou
square which is full of tin workshops providing a uniquelook to the
adjacent town market.
Geni Tzami New MosqueThe mosque
was founded at the end of the 16th century (1585)and
featured one large dome and five smaller ones. Accordingto the
inscription on the south entrance, it was renovated andenlarged in
1902. You enter (without shoes and with your headcovered)
through the monument-like entrance, and you attentionis
immediately caught by the marble mihrab with its sculptureddecoration
and the flower and bud decorated tiles of Prousa.Equally
impressive is the marble Minber with its raised floral andgeometric
designs. The mosque’s name is “New Tzami” (Geni-Mosque),
despite being approximately 25 years older than the socalled
“Old” (Eski) Mosque.Cross the
mosque courtyard, take Ermou Street and turn right.After
crossing Ioanninon Street, look carefully at the small shopson your
right which are integrated into a Hippodamian town planningsystem with
small roads and beautiful pergolas. At the endof Ermou
Street, turn right toward Androutsou Street and youreach the
Public market and the old mosque 100 metres furtheron. Have a
look at the variety of excellent local products soldhere,
before visiting the old mosque.
Old Mosque (Eski Tzami)This great
mosque was founded in 1608/9. According to the inscriptionit was
renovated in 1677/78. The impressive minaret isnotable for
its two hanging balconies, while the mihrab with itsminimal
décoration and simple wooden minber are the most outstandingfeatures of
the mosque’s interior.
Ecclesiastical MuseumAfter
visiting Eski Tzami, take Xenofontos Street in the directionof
Venizelos Street and you will find the Imaret a few meters furtheron. The
Imaret is an old Muslim poor house, one of the oldestOttoman
monuments in Thrace (1360-1380). Work conducted bythe
archaeological department has restored the damaged buildingto its
former state.Roof tiles
were collected from old houses of Komotini to repairthe
mosque’s roof. Today the Ecclesiastical Museum of the HolyMetropolitan
Churches of Maronia and Komotini is housed there.Some of the
ecclesiastical exhibits were gathered from churchesin the
diocese and others donated by refugees who settledhere after
1924. They cover the whole period from the 16th centuryto the
beginning of the 20th century. Telephone: +30 2531034177.
Opening hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday: 10:30-13:00.Wednesday
and Friday: 17:00-20:00. Saturday: 10:00-13:00.After the
museum you reach Venizelos Street, one of the mostbeautiful
pedestrian shopping streets in Komotini. Turn left andcontinue up
to G. Seferis Street. 20metres
further on, turn right andthen right
again following KouloglouStreet,
where you can see twoof the
surviving town mansions,now
properly restored as part ofthe
municipal property. The secondmansion
belonged to Skouteris fromEpirus (number
10) and was probablybuilt by
Epirote craftsmen at theend of the
19th century.The
Skouteris family was highly distinguishedin the
economic, socialand
political life of Komotini. The building, with its simple neoclassicallines, is a
typical example of the contemporary residentialarchitecture
of the Thracian middle class. It incorporateslocal
building techniques and also adopts the concurrent Europeanstyle as
showcased by the first floor frescoes. The buildingwas donated
by Vasiliki Skouteri-Dintsoglou to the Municipalityof Komotini
and now houses the Thracian, Ethnological, Historyand
Cultural Museum of Komotiniand Thrace.
The architecture,decoration,
furniture and objectsof the
Museum provide the visitorwith a
vivid image of the lifestyleof the
town’s middle class and theatmosphere
of the period at theturn of the
19th and 20th centuries.Opening
hours: Tuesday – Friday9:00–14:00.
Wednesday and Friday18:00-20:00.
Telephone: +30 2531030313.At the end
of Kouloglou Street, turn right into G. Nikolaou Streetand
immediately left into Venizelos Street. Reaching the end ofthe road,
turn right and you can enter the Byzantine Fortress, thelargest and
oldest (4th century) monument in town. It was built ofstone with
strong ceramic cement. With a height of 9.6m, it hadtwo main
entrances on the SW and SE sides. In 1363, the Ottomansused
material from its wall to build their mosques. In 1910,Bulgarians
demolished the towers and a large part of the walls.The
Metropolitan Hall was built within its perimeter at the northwesterncorner, in
Byzantine style.On the
eastern side we find the Metropolitan Church of the Assumptionof Virgin
Mary (1812). It is four aisled with a vestibuleand a
wooden roof on a lower level than the surrounding ground.It was
built on top of the foundations of a Byzantine Church, ofwhich there
is mention in 1548 by the traveler Pierre Belon. Thechurch has
been declared a listed historical monument. The iconof Virgin
Mary, considered miraculous, is also of great artisticand
historic importance, dating back to the period between the15th and
16th centuries. The visitor can admire the ornate iconostasiswith its
lace decoration (Epirus School), the Bishop’s throneand pulpit.Exit the
fortress heading south. On your right you will find therecently
renovated building of the Komotini Club, a 20th centurybuilding.
On the other side you can see what is considered themost
remarkable and historically important town building, theTsanaklios
School.The building was constructed according to theprinciples
of eclecticism, a predominant architectural paradigmof the 19th
century.The school
did not have time to serve the purpose intended by thebenefactor.
Nevertheless, it successively housed the Orphanage(1919), the
General Administration of Thrace (1922-1954), the Prefectureof Rodopi
(1954-1972), and the Deanery of the DemocritusUniversity
of Thrace until 2000.Behind the
Tsanaklios School, the Tsanakli pedestrian streetis full of
notable mansions: Antoniadis’ House, the MallipoulosMansion
(accommodating public services of the Municipality ofKomotini
and the European Union), the first Metropolitan Halland
Sianidis’ House (1920). Continue until you reach a big junctionoverlooked
by the statue of Eleftherios Venizelos, and turn leftinto Al.
Symeonidis Street. You will find a small park, surroundedthe Public
Stadium, the Prefecture Building, the first buildingshosting the
Democritus University of Thrace, the summer municipaltheatre
(700 seats), the Old Heroon, work of the sculptorPetros
Moschidis (1930).
Komotini Archaeological MuseumThis museum
and the archaeological museum in Ioannina are theonly ones
in Greece designed by the architect Aris Konstantinidis.The design
has clear elements of anonymous architecture, butalso a
modernist vocabulary. A “container of life”, as Aris Konstantinidiswanted all
his buildings to be, where the past of Rodopiand Thrace
of the Aegean survives between light and shadow.The most
impressive exhibit is the gold bust of Septimios Seviros(193-211
BC) which adorned the spear of the Imaginiferi of theRoman Army.
Entrance: 2 euros full and 1 euro reduced price.Telephone:
+30 25310 22411.ithepka@culture.grThe
Konstantinos Karatheodori Museum is opposite the archaeologicalmuseum. K.
Karatheodori, originally from Vyssain Evros,
was born in Berlin in 1873. A mathematician of internationalstanding
(professor at 4 German universities as wellas at the
Metsovio Polytechnic), he was also a leading engineerand worked
on the construction of the Suez Canal. The museumhosts his
correspondence with his pupil, Albert Einstein.From N.
Zoidou Street, turn towards the town centre and after500m, turn
right into Agios Georgios Street. At number 13, the restoredPeidis
Mansion, a typical example of popular local archi-tecture,
houses the Folklore Museum. The exhibits (costumes,embroidery,
artifacts, tools and paraphernalia, household utensils)give a
vivid picture of traditional Greek Thrace. Many of theexhibits
come from East and North Thrace as well as Asia Minor.The
building exactly opposite belongs to the Folklore Museum,known as
the Kougioumtzoglou Mansion, and houses temporaryexhibitions.
Opening hours: daily 10:00-13:00.Telephone:
+30 25310 25975Continue
down Agios Georgios until you reach the Holy Churchof Agios
Georgios (19th c entury). T he S ociety f or P edagogicalSciences of
Komotini has set up a Museum of ThracianEducationin
the historical 5th Kindergarten of Agios Georgios:a
sentimental journey for some, a history lesson for others.