Take the
Kavala-Drama National Highway and, following thesigns for
“Philippi Archaeological site”, you will find the site’s carpark (with
a capacity of 1000 cars) after 16km.History: In
the 4thcenturyBC, colonists from Thasos foundedKrinides in
the south-eastern part of the Drama valley on theoutskirts
of the marsh. As they were under pressure from theThracian
tribes, they sought help from Philippos II, who took overthe town
and gave it his name.In the 2nd
c entury B C, R omans b uilt t he E gnatia R oad p assingthrough
Philippi. From then on the town grew rapidly. Importantstages in
its history: a) the famous Battle of Philippi (42BC), inthe bogs
near the present mudbaths, between Octavianus andMarcus
Antonius and the democrats Brutus and Cassius. Octavianus’svictory was
crucial to the future of the Roman Empireand turned
the town into an important financial, administrativeand
artistic centre. B) the founding of the first Christian Churchin Europe
in 49/50AD by Paul the Apostle, along with the transferof the
capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople in 330AD,marked the
second period of prosperity. In the 7th century AD,earthquakes
and invasions drove the town to decline, and theOttoman
Conquest (14th century) meant the end of this glorioushistory.See: The
walls of the 4th century AD and 6th century BC with a perimeterof 3.5km;
The theatre, with evident Roman additions andalterations;
The Roman Forum; North of the Forum, the largestone-paved
road which has been identified as the ancient EgnatiaRoad; The
5th century AD triple-aisle Basilica and the tripleaisleBasilica B’
of 550 AD featuring sculptured decoration; The“Oktagono”
complex. On the same site, visit the ArchaeologicalMuseum,
built in the 1960s to plans drawn up by the architectsI.D.
Triantafyllidis and D. Fatouros. Inscriptions, sculptures, urns,coins,
jewellery, architectural elements, wonderful mosaics, aswell as
historical and audiovisual material, take the visitor ona journey
in the town’s history. Examine the Clock of Philippi, aunique
example of navigation technology of the 4th century AD.Telephone:
+30 25105 16251Ticket
price: Combined (Archaeological Site and Museum): 4 eurosIf your
stay in the area coincides with a performance at the PhilippiFestival,
do not miss the opportunity. It is a magical experience.After
Philippi, continue for another 2km, following the signs “towardsKrinides
Baptistery”. It was here, in the Zygakti river, thatPaul the
Apostle baptized the first Christian in Europe, Lydia.Apart from
the church-baptistery, there is an outdoor baptisteryon the
river bank. Every year at the celebration of the Agia Lydiaof Philippi
(20 May), Christian baptisms are carried out.Information:
+30 25105 16251.Celebrations:
in Zygo (12.5km, 15 minutes from Krinides), thetraditional
representation of a Pontus wedding is held on Sundayof Thomas,
symbolizing the beginning of life and of Spring.Gastronomy:
try “Keskek” (mixture of lean chicken and groundwheat).After
Krinides, head towards the Kavala – Drama National Highwayand after
3km turn left towards the Krinides Municipal claytherapy
centre (Mud baths). The mud has been known for itshealing
properties since Homeric times. It is highly recommendedfor
rheumatic, post traumatic, gynecological, cardiovascular,dermatological
and neurological ailments and is also used as acosmetic.Open: 1
June – 15 OctoberInformation:
+30 25105 16162 and +30 2510 518088