You can
begin at the town’s “trademark”, the Lighthouse.It was
built in 1880 by the French Lighthouseand Lantern
Company “Administration Généraledes Phares
de l` Empire Ottoman” to cater to the increased nauticaltraffic
brought on by the introduction of the railway in 1870, whichplayed a
crucial role in the foundation and development of Alexandroupoli.Starting
from the Lighthouse, walk along the seasideavenue,
past the Municipal Conservatory, The Courthouse, wherethe autumn
book exhibition is held, and turn right into Zarifis Street,dominated
by the building of the Zarifios Pedagogical Academy. Themodel
schools of the Teachers Training College of the DimokritosUniversity
of Thrace are now housed in the garden, where one cansee a
marble effigy of Giorgos Zarifis by the sculptor Perantinos, inhonour of
the benefactor and great national philanthropist. AfterZafiris
Street, turn right into Dimokratias Avenue with its cafes, barsand public
buildings. Go past the Town Hall, the Municipal Theatrenext door
and turn left into 14 May Avenue, a broad road full ofshops with
wide pavements and interesting shops. At number 63you will
see a neo-classicalbuilding on
the left. Thereare a few
tables and chairson its a
small lawn as wellas a small
library which willpleasantly
surprise you andcreate a
feeling of intimacy.Lifting
your gaze, you willsee on the
left of the entrancea sign
welcoming you tothe
Ethnological Museumof Thrace.
Spend as muchtime as you
can there. Thegarden is
definitely worth it.You can
also make arrangementshere for a
visit to theMuseum of
Natural History.
EthnologicalMuseum of Thracein AlexandroupoliThe
Ethnological Museumof Thrace –
Angeliki Giannakidouis housed
in arented neoclassical
buildingmade in
1899 and is runwith own
funds. The exhibitsderive from
the widerhistorical
area of Thraceand date
from the end ofthe 17th
century until the beginning of the 20th century. Illuminatingvideos
introduce you to the lifestyle and technological context ofthe period.
A lively place to acquaint yourself with the folk cultureof Thrace,
it links tradition and the knowledge included therein withthe
problems of modern society.Tel. +30
2551036663.www.emthrace.org.info@emthrace.orgGo down
14th May Avenue and turn left into Ainou Street. The MitropoleosPark is at
the junction of Ainou Street and Mazaraki Streetwhere the
imposing Agios Nikolaos Cathedral, Archdiocese andEcclesiastical
Museum can be found. Go up the steps and ring thebell. The
atmosphere is solemn and soothing. Everything inspiresrespect and
Ecclesiastical Museum of the Holy Metropolisof AlexandroupoliThe
Ecclesiastical Museum of the Holy Metropolis of Alexandroupoliwas founded
in 1976 and it now houses a collection of ecclesiasticalobjects
collected from the churches and monasteries ofthe
ecclesiastical provincial metropolis in question. The main bodyof the
collection dates to the 18th and 19th centuries.There are
few exhibits, mainly incunabula and a few portable icons,which date
to the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries.The
portable icons constitute thenucleus of
the museum’s collectionand, at the
same time, the most importantand largest
part of it and arerepresentative
of every category.Telephone:
+30 25510 82282Opening
hours:Tuesday –
Friday: 9:00 – 14:00,Saturday:
9:30 – 13:30Open on
Sunday from 1 Novemberuntil 31
March. Open on 27 September.Visits on
public holidays: by prior arrangement.Return to
Dimokratias Avenue via Konstantinou PalaiologouStreet and
head towards the History Museum, opposite the TownHall. The
guided tour lasts approximately one hour and you willlearn
everything there is to know about the town and its history inan
enjoyable way.
History Museum of AlexandroupoliThe three
storey building of the Historic Museum of Alexandroupolican be
found at 335 Dimokratia Avenue.Construction
of the building was realized thanks to donationsby citizens
of Alexandroupoli as well as the donation of the plotin 1990 by
the Ministry of Culture. A permanent exhibition of theHistory of
Alexandroupoli delivers many surprises and arouses thevisitor’s
interest: photographic compositions and representationalmaterial,
interactive audio-visual media and screenings, help thevisitor
understand the connection between the town, the railwayand the
port, its urban and architectural character, its financial andpolitical
journey, its cultural and social life, and to be acquaintedwith the
different population groups that shaped it.Telephone:
+30 25510 28 926Opening
Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10:30-14:30Saturday
Tuesday: ClosedEntrance:
Standard 2 euros. Reduced: 1 euroE-mail:
info@ismo.gr / site: www.ismo.grFrom
Alexandropouli, set off for the Archaeological site Zoni. Goalong
Dimokratia Avenue in the direction of Komotini, continuealong
National Highway 2 and after 15.4 km, turn left for Dikella-Messimvria.
Follow the signs and you will reach your destinationafter
Archaeological site ZoniAt the
beginning of the 20th century, Bulgarian soldiers, diggingtrenches,
discovered building material and fragments of urnswhich
suggested the existence of a settlement. In 1966 the firstsystematic
archaeological dig funded by the Archaeological Societytook place.
Specially designed paths allow the easy movement ofpersons
with disabilities or impaired vision. Informative signs withtexts,
drawings and reconstructions inform the visitor about the region’shistory,
the most important places in the ancient town, suchas the
Sanctuary of Dimitra and Apollo’s Temple, the only identifiedarchaic
temple in Thrace temple in Thrace, which indicates thatZoni was an
an organized town from as early as the 6th centuryBC. The
building complex with its large number of amphorae (188)(from the
6th century and 5th centuryBC) placed
one next to the other ontheir sides
with the aperture on theground,
indicates that they probablyformed a
system to keep the earthenfloor dry.
Another point of interest isthe perforated
disc shaped clay objectin the same
building complex. It is atype of
sieve to strain grape must afterpressing.
Thanks to inscriptions inZoni,
archaeologists have discoveredinterpretable
evidence of local Thraciandialect for
the first time, a factof great
significance for the region’shistory.
Events are organized for the August Full Moon.Just a few
km north, via the old national road (from Mesti toKomaro),
parts of the Ancient Egnatia Road are laid. The route issufficiently
marked for visitors guidance.Open Daily:
8:00 - 15:00Entrance:
Standard 2 euros. Reduced: 1 euro.