The project of the bicycle lane in Komotini, has joined the Operational Program "Macedonia - Thrace 2007 -2013. The project was included in the Integrated Urban Renewal Plan of the Municipality of Komotini and involves the construction of bicycle lanes at the Demokritou Street, Orpheus Street and G. Kakoulidi - St. Kyriakidis - N. Zoidi – Ap. Suzhou Streets in the city of Komotini. Additionally works are also to be made, changing the pavements with special warning signs and installing lighting for the safe movement of bicycles and pedestrians on the new-bound lanes. The project’s budget is reaching the 2.7 million euros and proprietor of the work the Municipality of Komotini.However, there are other municipalities, such as the City indicative Maroneia, that are also planning to implement a complete bicycle lanes network.