
East Macedonia & Thrace

The Legend of Arda, Maritsa and Tundzha Rivers


Once they were three sisters.They quarreled because each one thought she was more beautiful, more hardworking and just better than the others. There was no peace in their home. Their parents cursed them and the three sisters turned into rivers. They continued quarelling nonetheless: they started to question which one was the fastest.
Once, after having fought for a long time, they decided to sleep in Edirne for the night and whoever woke up first in the morning had to wake up the others so that they could make a race to the sea and see which one would be the first to reach it. Then they laid down to sleep. The naughty youngest sister Tundzha didn’t close her eyes all night long. And before the dawn, before the cockcrow, she got up quietly and without telling a word to her sisters, she set off for the sea. After a long time the day broke in its splendor. The Arda River woke up, rubbed her eyes and saw that Tundza had gone. She realized Tundzha hadn’t kept her word and angrily called Maritsa:
"Maritsa, oldest sister, get up to see what happened!"
Maritsa woke up, looked around and got worried at first. Then both sisters started blaspheming :
“May you, Tundzha, run and wind your way through forests and mountains only to make way for us!”
Then they ran after the “refugee river” and since the latter had cleared the way, the other two sisters easily reached and even passed her by. In the end, all three of them gathered in one place and flowed as one down to the sea. For no apparent reason, once they were out of Euderin, they took the name of the sleepiest sister, Maritsa.

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