
East Macedonia & Thrace

Live water of Dambaly


On peak Dambaly near Momchilgrad every year miracles happer. In the night before Gergyovden – 6 may, from the fountaine at the rock, healing water starts to run. This happens in midnight when the oak forest gives a strange sound. The place is sacred since ancient times and it is honored by both – Christians and Muslims. Tha name Damaly in Turkish means “drop”. The area is situated in about 8 km northeast from Momchilgrad. It is believed that the hesitating will heal if they dunk into the water from the fountain or if they drink of it but only in the time from midnight until sunrise. The custom bath helps children with different neuropathy. Clothes are being tied on the branches of the trees. People leave coins in the fountains tray as a gift.

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  1. Peak "Dambala" near Momchilgrad
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