
East Macedonia & Thrace

Reserve "Valchi Dol"


"Valchi Dol" Reserve is the only strict reserve in the Eastern Rhodopes. It secures the preservation of one of the wildest and most pristine parts of the Eastern Rhodopes. There are various habitats here – rocks, pastures, shrubbery and deciduous forests It is part of the "Studen Kladenets" Protected zone and the "Studen Kladenets" Important Bird Area. The total area of the reserve is 774.70 ha.
It was declared a protected site in 1980 in order to preserve the accidentally found nest habitat of vultures.The reserve protects the habitats of rare and endangered birds and a distinctive, slightly affected by human activities ecosystem in the Eastern Rhodopes.
The "ValchiDol" Reserve is strongly influenced by Mediterranean climate, which has an impact on the flora and fauna.
The vegetation is varied and characterized by the presence of various Mediterranean representatives. The reserve vegetation is dominated by bush and evergreen shrubs of the Mediterranean type. In the higher parts, there are deciduous forests, while in the lower ridges there is plenty of lilac.
There is a great diversity of plants species, many of which are rare and endemic. There are 413 species of vascular plants, of which 1 Bulgarian and 6 Balkan endemics. One plant species is endangered and 14 species are rare and included in the the Bulgarian Red List. There are also 27 species of orchids, of which the most beautiful one is the lady orchid and the violet limodore. Particularly interesting is the Rhodope haberlea that is Balkan endemic and tertiary relict. Besides being the "Orpheus Flower", which is related to an ancient legend, it is known by the name "phoenix" because of its ability to go anabiosis (fake death) for more than two years and then during better conditions to restore vital functions.
The reserve boasts a wide variety of raptors. There are 23 species, 21 of which are included in the Bulgarian Red List.
The reserve area is an important place for the black vulture and the imperial eagle, both threatened with extinction worldwide, to find food and rest in.Particularly noteworthy is the griffon vulture, which is one of the rare and endangered birds. On a huge rock is located one of the two colonies of griffon vultures in Bulgaria.There is great variety of reptiles and amphibians. They are represented by 21 species.
The reserve is one of the largest deposits in Bulgaria for globally endangered tortoises and provides habitat for both the Hermann’s tortoise and the greek tortoise. The large mammals are represented by wolf, wild boar, roe and fallow deer . The wolf has vanished from many European countries. Its presence is a sign of intact nature.
All human activity has been banned on the territory of the reserve.Restricted access and movement takes place only on certain paths and each visit must be coordinated in advance with the Regional Environment Council in Haskovo.

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  1. Reserve "Borovets"
  2. Protected area Krumovitsa (Important Bird Area)
  3. Reserve "Chamlak"
  4. Maintained reserve "Zhenda"
  5. Dam "Studen Kladenets"
  6. Game breeding station "Studen Kladenets"
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