
East Macedonia & Thrace

Protected area Krumovitsa (Important Bird Area)


The zone comprises valleys around the Krumovitsa River and the flowing into it the Dyushun dere River along with the surrounding hills and slopes of the Eastern Rhodopes. The site includes sections of the Krumovitsa River in the area between the village of Gorna Kula and the mouth of the Dyushun Dere River,where it reaches the village of Chal.The Krumovitsa Valley area is 300 to 1000 metres wide,and in some places a substantial part of it is occupied by the sandy riverbed.The river banks are overgrown with trees. Some banks of the Krumovitsa River are steep slopes and low cliffs.There is arable land in the valley extension. For the most part, the valley of Dyushun dere is narrow and deeply incised in volcanic rocks with numerous cliffs next to its bed, with waterfalls and small caves.
Its forest vegetation along its banks is scarce with shrub species predominating. Both rivers have strong fluctuations of the flow - from very high in February-March to almost completely dry in July and August (except some pools). A significant part of the site includes low mountain ridges and slopes. For the most part they are treeless, but in the southeastern regions they are covered with old deciduous forests of Hungarian oak / Quercus frainetto /, durmast / Quercus dalechampii / with Mediterranean elements, in some places with hornbeam / Carpinus orientalis /, and secondary forests that have re-grown after cutting down the old forests . The presence of numerous rocks and mountain crowns is typical of the slopes and ridges of both valleys, as well as substantial in size shrub formations of Mediterranean type with a predominance of red juniper / Juniperus oxycedrus / . There are many rocky areas with grass vegetation.
136 bird species have been listed in the Krumovitsa area, of which 26 are in the Bulgarian Red List (1985). 64 of them are of European conservation concern (SPEC) (BirdLife International, 2004). As globally threatened in SPEC1 category are included two species, as threatened in Europe in the category SPEC2 are included 18 species and in SPEC3 - 44 species. Krumovitsa is one of the few places in Bulgaria where the Black Vulture / Aegypius monachus / can be seen. Krumovitsa provides a suitable habitat for 46 species of birds listed in the Annex 2 of Biological Diversity Act, which requires the application of specific conservation measures.
Twenty-eight of these species are also listed in the Annex I of Directive 79/409 EU, more than half of them occur in the area with significant breeding populations. For the Black Stork / Ciconia nigra /,The Little Eagle / Hieraaetus pennatus /, Egyptian vulture / Neophron percnopterus / and the Olive Warbler the region of Krumovitsa is one of the most important places in the country, with importance at a European level, where these species nest and breed.
On its territory there are two small landmarks designated as protected as well. In 1997, Krumovitsa was announced an Important Bird Area by BirdLife Internationl. About 10% of Krumovitsa overlaps with the "Arda Valley" CORINE site,announced as such in 1998 because of its European importance for conservation of rare and endangered habitats, plants, animals and birds.

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  1. Protected area Ribino
  2. Reserve "Valchi Dol"
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