It is 6.5 km northeast of the village,located in Hambar dere area. Situated on the left side of the bridge that leads to Gugutka village. There is a broad meadow, in which there is a hardly noticeable dirt path leading to a dense oak forest. There are many protruding, large and small slabstones.
The necropolis consists of seven dolmens( a single chamber –tombs), 4 of which are relatively well-preserved. They were constructed with 4 or 6 upright slabstones supporting a large flat horizontal capstone.The entrances face south and represent a small porthole in the short side. Nearby, there are still traces of three ruined dolmens. There is no mound.
Round stones are arranged at the west end of the meadow. A platform (with dimensions of 12.0 m to 6.0 m) is connected to the cemetery. Funeral rituals must have been carried out here.
The Dolmens date back to the end of 2nd – beginning of the 1st millennium BC. There are fragments of Thracian pottery in the area of the necropolis while in immediate vicinity a hoard of bronze coins from Maroneia (4th century BC) has been unearthed.