
East Macedonia & Thrace

"Gyumyurdzhinski glacier"


The region was designated as protected in 2003.It includes the territories of of Gorno and Dolno Kapinovo villages, Chakarlovo village, Shumnatiza village and Kremen village. Its southern part reaches the national boundary with Greece and includes the southernmost point of Bulgaia – Veikata Peak, which is a part of gumurdzhinski snejnik elevation. It is the most impressive tourist attraction in the region.
Nature in the area is well-preserved. There are large areas with remnants of the so-called Silva Bulgaricum magna or the Great Bulgarian Forest, which used to impress many travelers in the past.There are forests of sycamore, oak and fir trees aged over 150 years.Many trees exceed 300, even 400 years of age whereas there are individual trees that a probably older that. 62 tree and shrub species have been established on the territory, 11 of which are included in the Bulgarian Red List. Among them are lilium rhodopeum( Balkan endemic, the only habitat for the Eastern Rhodopes), juniper, yew, mountain maple, beech and others.
The fauna is less well studied. There is golden eagle, small hawk, honey-buzzard, black woodpecker, bear and more.
One road is through Chakalarovo village, which is signposted. At the end of the village, next to the bridge, there is a dirt road and, when taken, it is about an hour and a half to the former frontier outpost. From there the trail runs along the border line and it takes a two-hour hike to reach the top.
The other approach is from Dolno Kupinovo. Along the abandoned frontier post at the end of the village there is a dirt road, which is passable with a suitable vehicle. It leads to the renewed "Hvoinova Polyana" cottage (the distance is about 4 km). There are two options to continue from the cottage - about 200 meters after it starts a narrow dirt road, which, when taken for a while, leads to the trail leading to the top.The other way is to take the path beneath the cottage. After about a 40- minute descent, comes the trail along the border line and it follows the ridge to the summit. The distance from the cottage is about 2 ½ hours.

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