Momchil has been living in folk songs and legends over the centuries. He is one of the first fighters against the Ottoman invasion in the 14th century.
Momchil The Leader or Momchil The Brave was a Bulgarian brigand and local ruler in the Rhodope Mountains, who lived in the 14th century. He was a warrior with an impressive appearance who conducted an independent policy in the complex situation in the Balkans at this time and die heroically on the battlefield against the Turkish invaders.He is described physically as“imposing in appearance”, “as tall as two men” and, in the words of aTurkish poet, “resembling a minaret”.
Momchil was born in the Rhodopes. He didn’t have a noble origin. He formed a bandit gang in the area and looted the border area between Bulgaria and Byzantium, for which was pursued by both countries. Then he was recruited by the Byzantines as a mercenary.Later he deserted the Byzantine army and fled to Serbia to serve its ruler Stephen Dusan.
In 1343 , Momchil and his gang helped John VI Kantakouzenos, for which was proclaimed his vassal in Meropa region. Later, Kantakouzenos’ opponents proclaimed him a despot so that he would turn against his patron. In spite of all this, Momchil lead a completely independent policy and created his own state with a capital city called Xanthi. This state was one of the several successors to the fragmented Bulgarian Empire after the death of Ivan Alexander.
During the Byzantine civil war of 1341- 1347, Momchil joined the forces of John Kantakuzin, who had perhaps known Momchil during his flight to Serbia in 1342, at the beginning of the war. In 1343, Kantakouzenos gave Momchil governance of the region of Merope in the Rhodope Mountains.
At the time, Momchil was approached by agents of Kantakouzenos" opponents, who persuaded Momchil to turn against Kantakouzenos. So, Momchil along with 1,000 horsemen attacked Kantakouzenos. The Byzantines were thoroughly routed: Kantakouzenos" horse was killed and he received a powerful hit to the head, which he survived thanks to his helmet.Soon, however, Momchil sent messages to Kantakouzenos asking for forgiveness. The latter, loath to alienate Momchil and open another front in his rear, pardoned him in exchange for promises of future good conduct, and even awarded him the title of Sebastokrator.
In 1344, he suddenly attacked the Turkish fleet, and then fought against both sides in the Byzantine conflict. In 1345, the Turkkish leader Emir Uner Beg together with John VI Kantakouzenos defeated Momchil and his much smaller army at the Battle of Peritor (July 7, 1345), where the fearless leader found his death.
Because of his impressive appearance, his headstrong temper and opportunistic policy, Momchil soon became a folk hero, defender of the Rhodopes, who rides a horse with wings and a magic sword.He is glorified in numerous songs and epic tales as a brigand, defender of the people and prominent fighter against the Turks.