
East Macedonia & Thrace

Old mining village near the village of Sedefche


Тhe mineral wealth of the Eastern Rhodope region has been the means of living for local people since ancient times. The first attempts at mining can be dated back to the Copper-Stone Age. This occupation gradually became popular among the growing mountain population and it was carried on with a different intensity to the 17th century, even according to the Ottoman archives.
The earliest ore-mining must have happened during the late Bronze Age. This was established when exploring some of the old pits near Sedefche, Momchilgrad. Pottery fragments from Late Antiquity and Middle Ages were among the finds, including small amounts from the end of the Bronze Age. Some were not decorated. Others, however, were decorated using a ceramic decoration technique known as "furhenshtih” from the 13th -12th century BC. The extraction of ore, which here had a high content of silver, was performed in an open pit. Next to it was extracted the metal as well, as evidenced by pieces of slag found on the spot. Pieces of the ceramic tools used for the furnaces have been found around the pits.
In the vicinity of Stramni Rid (Steep Hill) and the village of Sedefche were found many coins from Thrace, Maroneia. After examining the coin material stored in the the historical museums in Kardzhali and Haskovo, it has been concluded that the coins of the type Dionysus Soteros, small denomination, were minted mainly without signs of coin magistrates, because they were designed for buying local silver.
Famous tetradrachm coins were minted there with the precious meatal in the 2nd -1st century BC. Antique galleries were discovered during geological drilling near the old pits.Wooden supports, ladders, and seats formed from already decayed fronds had been preserved in them. According to a radiocarbon analysis made in St. Petersburg, the mine dates back to the mid 5th century.

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