
East Macedonia & Thrace

Rock Niches near the village of Neofit Bozvelievo

The niches are located in a prominent rock on the right side of the road towards Lale village. They are hewn into limestone, in a hardly accessible location , which occurs relatively rarely. They are 11, spread on 2 levels. Among them, there are some unfinished ones and this allows the carving process to be traced back. Two niches are significantly larger than the others and an echo occurs in them. For this reason, they are sometimes called "acoustic niches." On the hill, just above the cliff niches, there is a destroyed sanctuary area,littered with pottery. The sanctuary was completely demolished during the construction of a water storage system for the village, but the niches have been preserved.
There are several hypotheses about the purpose of the Thracian niches. The most popular is that the set of niches were a spectacular necropolis. They placed ceramic urns containing the ashes of the deceased in burial chambers. The shape and size of the niches allows the assumption that pottery was placed there as well. In some, there are recesses used to attach circular objects. The upper part of almost all niches is protruded so that it keeps rainwater from their content. According to some scientists, in these urns were placed the ashes of everyday people while in monumental stone tombs were buried aristocrats. Another view defines the groups of niches as shrines for the dead. This point of view is actually a variety of the first opinion and doesn’t contradict it. It is an Interesting fact that, along with the functional niches, there are symbolic ones, whose chambers are not deep enough to put a ceramic container inside. It is possible that the niches were built in imitation of the caves found as early as the late Stone-Copper Age (5th -4th century BC).
There are other theories about the rock niches from the Eastern Rhodopes. Some historians assume that they have a purely abstract purpose, unable to display today. Worth noting, though, is the assumption that the niches are connected with the solar cult. It makes sense, because in most cases the complexes of niches are directed to the heavenly light. Findings from recent excavations at Perperikon and Tatul show strong growth of solar belief in the Late Bronze Age (15th -11th century BC) when, most likely, the carving of megalithic structures took place. Such a conclusion does not conflict with any connection with the cult of the dead.
Rock niches are found in seven more cities in the municipality: Tatul village, Raven village, Bivolyane village, Chaika village, Drumche village, Obichnik village, Chukovo village. They are close to rock tombs and sanctuaries
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