They say that in Rhodope one can taste the immortality once the desire is strong enough. Here, on this land, the sunrise and the sunset, the heaven and the earth, the water and the wind make the reunion between men and gods possible. Even today, on the sides of this dignified mountain, the footsteps of Romans and Thracians resonate. Rituals and legends about the bewitching lyre of Orpheus and Dionysus’s Bacchanals come to life again from the ancient sanctuaries. The giants-pine-trees cast heavy, cool shades here. Cold brooks wash out the tracks of hooves, chime bells echo over the pastures, and high up the mountain, where the hills turn into pinnacles, the songs of the nymphs are roaming. For thousands of years, the natives lived in harmony with the nature. They have worshipped Mother Nature, they have read the weather with the aid of the sun and the rock, and they have discovered new, intact beautiful spots.
Kardzhali Region is about sharing the nature, the culture and the traditions. An experience that forever will be in your memory!
In "Parmak Kaya ", östlich von Nochevo Dorf, auf einem ziemlich großen Bereich der Kiefernwald gibt es viele prominente alten Felsen mit verschiedenen Schnitten in ihnen. Bemerkenswert sind die gut ...
Die Thraker, die auf unser Land vor Tausenden von Jahren gelebt haben, waren gut Bergleute und Metallurgen. Einer der Orte, wo Spuren dieser Aktivitäten gefunden wurden, ist Ada Tepe Hügel ...
A number of Renaissance-style houses have been preserved in the old part of the city. They are on "St. Kliment Ohridski" and "St. Ivan Vazov" Street. This is ...
The Gunpowder Storeroom is the only building in Ardino town acclaimed both for its design and construction.It is declared an architectural monument. It was built in the last quarter of ...
Dzhenda Game Hunting Land occupies an area of 21,489 ha, includes two forest complexes, located on two different mountain ranges.The landscape of the western one is typically mountainious with ...
The mills were built along the Krumovitsa River and were designed for grinding corn flour and fodder. There are five of them, two of which in the lower neighbourhood, ...
You can go directly to the Perperikon complex from there. The church was built using the ancent Roman technique called "opus mixtum". Opus mixtum is an application of a mixture ...
You can go directly to the Perperikon complex from there. The church was built using the ancent Roman technique called "opus mixtum". Opus mixtum is an application of a mixture ...
Prostor Park is a favorite place to visit for all town residents. It is located at Belomorski Blvd. between the hospital and the city stadium. It was designed more than ...
The site is dated to the 4th century BC.The fortress was built as a barrier on the accessible side of the hill, situated high above the right ...
The site area is 44,623.98 hectares and encompasses the catchment area of The Byala River (the White River) in the furthermost south-eastern part of the Eastern Rhodope Mountains, next ...
Gorubso Park was built more than sixty or even seventy years ago,when Kardzhali was still a small town. The park was located at the end of the city ...